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The Quarterly Journal of St. Philaret’s Institute

ISSN: 2658-7599 (print)
2713-3141 (online)

Issue 48 (autumn 2023)



The Quarterly Journal of St. Philaret’s institute, 2023, iss. 48. 258 p.

Table of Contents

The 48th autumn issue of the journal “The Quarterly Journal of Saint Philaret’s Institute” continues to publish materials on problems of modern Orthodox ecclesiology. The Theological Studies section presents articles by participants of the conference “The Sophiology and Ecclesiology of Fr Sergius Bulgakov and Fr Pavel Florensky” held at the St. Philaret Institute on October 3–5, 2022. The article by N. V. Likvintseva is devoted to the activities of the “Pravoslavnoe Delo” association created by Mother Maria (Skobtsova) based on the idea of Archpriest Sergius Bulgakov about the Church as a “living multi-unity”. The article by Prof. J. Milbank, published in English, examines the legacy of Fr Pavel Florensky in the context of European theological and philosophical thought. I. Y. Ilyin’s study compares the reception of Archpriest Sergius Bulgakov’s ideas in two modern projects of political theology formulated by J. Milbank and Aristotle Papanikolaou. The article by N. K. Syundyukov is devoted to a comparative analysis of the phenomenon of secularism in the writings by Prot. Sergius Bulgakov and J. Milbank. The article by D. S. Gasak examines the criteria of ecclesiasticism put forward by Fr Pavel Florensky in his criticism of A. S. Khomyakov’s legacy in the article “Near Khomyakov”. The article by M. B. Patrusheva analyses the temple paintings by Y. N. Reitlinger in the context of the sophiology of Prot. Sergius Bulgakov.

The Translations of Sources section continues to introduce the reader to the project of translating the “Catechetical Homilies” by Theodore of Mopsuestia; this issue contains the translation of Theodore’s second homily on baptism (the 13th catechetical homily) by S. S. Puchkova, supported by her introductory article and commentary.

The History of the Church section opens with a publication prepared by T. I. Shevchenko of the letters of Hegumen Stephan (Svetozarov) sent from Paris to Valaam in 1938–1939. The next article by K. P. Obozny is devoted to the situation of the rural Orthodox clergy of the Pskov region in the first post-war years (1945–1948). The article by Prot. Andrei Sapsay analyses the written appeals of the Orthodox believers of the Perm region to the authorities during the period of late socialism.

The Reviews, Abstracts, Critical Reviews section presents a review by Professor Ksenija Končarević of the University of Belgrade on the book “Octoechos. Selected Hymns in Russian and Church Slavonic” translated by Fr Georgy Kochetkov, Z. M. Dashevskaya, P. S. Ozersky and J. R. Pantueva (Moscow : St. Philaret Institute, 2023). In addition, the section includes an abstract of two contemporary books on anthropology: Pannenberg W. Anthropologie in theologischer Perspektive. (Göttingen :Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011); Marc-Antoine Costa de Beauregard. Le Sacrement de l’Homme (Paris : Editions Cerf, 2021). Abstracts are prepared by Y. A. Shtonda and A. P. Patrakova. The issue also contains a review of the All-Russian Scientific Conference “Religion and Power: The Church in an age of change — the search for ways of church organization. Controversial issues of the recent history of the Russian Orthodox Church”, St. Petersburg, May 29–30, 2023 (A. A. Burov, Yu. V. Balakshina).

Theological Studies

pp. 10–12
Natalia Likvintseva, Cand. Sci. (Philosophy), Leading Researcher, The House of The Russian Abroad of A. Solzhenitsyn
pp. 13–30
John Milbank, Professor Emeritus, School of Humanities Department of Theology and Religious Studies
pp. 31–50
Ivan Ilin, Cand. Sci. (Philosophy), MA in Theological Studies, International Laboratory for the Study of Russian and European Intellectual Dialogue
pp. 51–74
Nikita Syundyukov, Senior Lecturer, the Northwestern Institute of RANEPA
pp. 75–98
pp. 99–120
Maria Patrusheva, graphic artist, Associate Professor of the Department “Illustration and printmaking”, Moscow Polytechnic University, Master of Theology, Senior Lecturer, St. Philaret’s Institute
pp. 121–151

Translations of primary sources

Church History

Tatyana Shevchenko, Cand. Sci. (History), Cand. Sci. (Theology), Senior Researcher,  Center for Modern History of the Russian Orthodox Church, St. Tikhon’s University  for the Humanities
pp. 174–185
Konstantin Obozny, Cand. Sci. (History), Associate Professor, Dean, Faculty of History, Head of the Department of Church and Social History, St. Philaret’s Institute
pp. 186–208
Archpriest Andrey Sapsay, Cand. Sci. (Theology), Head of the Department of Additional Religious Education of the Perm Theological Seminary
pp. 209–227

Reviews and Abstracts

pp. 228–237
Alina Patrakova, Cand. Sci. (Philosophy), Academic secretary, Senior lecturer, St. Philaret’s Institute
pp. 246–250
Alexander Burov, senior researcher at the State Museum of the History of Religion
Yulia Balakshina, Dr. Sci. (Philology), Associate Professor, St. Philaret’s Institute,  Herzen State Pedagogical University
pp. 251–256
Last Issue2024. Volume 16. Issue 4 (52)

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