Fr Georgy Kochetkov

Fr Georgy is a priest in the Russian Orthodox Church and the Founder and First Rector of St. Philaret’s Institute. He is a Theologian, translator of liturgical texts into Russian, a missionary, catechist, and founder and spiritual father of the Transfiguration Brotherhood. Fr Georgy is the author of a unique program of extended catechesis — a full and sequentially coherent system for aiding adults who wish to enter into the experience church faith, prayer and life. He is the author of books and articles on Missiology, Catechetics, Ecclesiology, Anthropology, and questions of contemporary church life.
For more than 30 years, Fr Georgy has been working on the translation of liturgical texts into Russian language. At present, the foundational corpus of unchangeable Orthodox Christian liturgical texts has been fully translated into Russian. During the period of the COVID pandemic, in 2020, a YouTube channel called “Orthodox Liturgy in Russian” (“Pravoslavnoe bogosluzhenie na russkom yazyke”) was launched. The channel broadcast weekly festal liturgical worship using Fr Georgy’s translations.