Academic periodical of St Philaret's Christian Orthodox Institute. Iss. 24. 2017. 184 p.
In memory of Archpriest Nikolay Afanasiev
The Significance and Prospects of the Ecclesiological Theory of Archpriest Nikolay Afanasiev
Bishop and Priest
The Emergence and Development of Christian Funeral Rites in the Byzantine Empire in the X–XII Centuries
Orthodox Mission among Indigenous Small Peoples: History and Modernity
Baptismal Sponsorship in Early Church and Ways of Using this Experience in Modern Catechetical Practice
Mother Maria’s “New Soul” in Her Life and Work
Elusive Priest: Transformation of the Russian Orthodox Church’ Normative Discourse on Presbyter Ministry
Book review: St. Petersburg Martyrologue: On the 100th Anniversary of the Beginning of the Persecution against Believers in God in Russia