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The Quarterly Journal of St. Philaret’s Institute

ISSN: 2658-7599 (print)
2713-3141 (online)

Our Publication Ethics

It is of primary importance to the publishers both to maintain the journal’s high academic standards and to provide a platform for the publication of the best theological and secular scholarly achievements on the pages of a single journal.

The Journal is committed to the principle of transparency: all the information regarding publication requirements and the work of our Editorial Council is publicly available on the Internet. An archive of all issues can also be found on our site.

The journal publishes original scholarly articles and research materials, materials from round table discussions, conference overviews, and reviews of the newest scholarly literature. All materials received by our editorial office undergo an anonymous internal and external review process. The editorial office respects authors and copyrights, independent of their status. In its work, the editorial office considers the experience of both Russian and international periodicals and publishing houses and retains the right to refuse publication of any materials which do not meet the criteria laid out below. 

In such case as the Journal ceases to be published, the archive of materials published in the Journal will be available on the St. Philaret's Institute website.


When presenting materials to the Journal, authors provide their guarantee that the materials have not been previously published elsewhere, are not being reviewed by other publishing houses, and that their publication will not infringe any existing copyright agreements. For ease of distribution purposes and the enforcement of use policies regarding published materials, the author gives the publisher non-exclusive ownership rights to the manuscript. 

Research Funding Sources

Publication of articles in the Journal is free of charge. In such case as the article presented for publication was prepared as part of a research project financed by an organization, the author should include any relevant links and credit the funding source.

Review Process

All articles put forward for publication in the Journal of Saint Philaret’s Institute which then meet our formal requirements for publication are sent for review to one of the members of the Editorial Team or Editorial Council. If the article accords with Journal’s thematic requirements and is a properly formatted research paper, then an external reviewer for the article is appointed. Read more about the review process and evaluation criteria here.


SFI Journal policies do not allow: 

  • The use of a third party’s material without citing author and source; 
  • Incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate description of quoted materials;
  • Stylistic paraphrasing of another author’s text and claiming it as one’s own (changing words and phrases in such a way so as the resulting text is close in meaning and bears no evidence of content development vis-a-vis the original author’s text); 
  • Compiled content which doesn’t result in fostering new academic thought;
  • The use of pictures, tables and other elements from the works of other authors without quoting the source and receiving permission for content use from the owner of the copyright of said content; 
  • More than 25% self-quoting within a single publication; 
  • Self-plagiarism, i.e., the author’s use of text from another of his or her own publications without changing the form of quotes and without citing the earlier published work.

Publishing Decision Policy

The decision to publish an article is taken at a meeting of the editorial committee on the basis of anonymous review. The editorial office of the Journal of Saint Philaret’s Institute retains the right not to publish works which do not accord topically with the Journal’s theme and which have not passed through the review process.


The Journal’s Editor-in-Chief and the employees and members of the editorial council should not disclose information about the manuscripts with which they have been entrusted.

Retraction Procedure

The editorial department retains the right to withdraw previously published articles for ethical and technical reasons. In such case as an article is withdrawn, the editorial department pledges to show the reason for the retraction and the date of retraction, and to publish information about the decision in the printed and electronic versions of the Journal, as well as inform electronic databases. 

Last Issue2024. Volume 16. Issue 3 (51)

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