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The Quarterly Journal of St. Philaret’s Institute

ISSN: 2658-7599 (print)
2713-3141 (online)

Church History

Alexander Galkin, Ph.D. in Biology Independent scholar (Saint Petersburg)
Issue №35, pp. 226–247
Ekaterina Alexeyeva, Postgraduate Student, Sts Cyril and Methodius Theological Institute of Postgraduate Studies; senior lecturer, SFI (Moscow)
Issue №27, pp. 34–51
Ekaterina Alexeyeva, Postgraduate Student, Sts Cyril and Methodius Theological Institute of Postgraduate Studies; senior lecturer, SFI (Moscow)
Issue №27, pp. 9–10
Issue №2, pp. 128–139  
Valeriya Allenova, Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Department of Contemporary Russian History, Historiography and Records Management, Voronezh State University (Voronezh)
Issue №27, pp. 80–104
Anatoly Kinstler, Staff member of the Archives of the German Diocese, Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
Issue №50, pp. 100–123
Andrey Kostryukov, Doctor of History, Ph.D. in Theology Leading Staff Scientist, Department of the Russian Orthodox Church’s Modern History; Associate Professor, Department of General and Russian Church History and Canon Law, Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University (Moscow)
Issue №35, pp. 248–269
Yulia Balakshina, Doctor of Philology Assistant Professor, Academic Secretary, St Philaret’s Institute (Moscow)
Issue №21, pp. 23–34
Yulia Balakshina, Dr. Sci. (Philology), Associate Professor, Academic Secretary, St. Philaret’s Institute, Professor, Herzen State Pedagogical University, Moscow, Saint Petersburg
Issue №44, pp. 43–73.
Yulia Balakshina, PhD in Philology
Issue №2, pp. 156–181 
Yulia Balakshina, Doctor of Philology Academic Secretary, St Philaret’s Institute; Associate Professor, Herzen State Pedagogical University (Moscow; Saint Petersburg)
Issue №35, pp. 186–205
Alexander Baranov, Ph.D. in Cultural Studies, Chairperson, Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, Academy of Social Management (Moscow)
Issue №28, pp. 98–116
Alexey Beglov, Ph.D. in History, Senior Researcher, Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences, Associate Professor, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)
Issue №25, pp. 11–27
Nadezhda Beliakova, Cand. Sci. (History), Senior Research Fellow, Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Issue №44, pp. 101–137
Archpriest Alexander Bertash, Ph.D. in Art History, Ph.D. in Theology, Rector of the Church of the Holy Royal Passion Bearers of the Russian Orthodox Church in Bremen and the parish of Holy Marter Vladimir of Moscow and St. Anastasia of Kiev in Bremerhaven, archivist of the Berlin-German Diocese, leading art critic of the “Liteynaya Tchast’–91” Architectural Bureau, member of the Russian Union of Architects (Bremen; St. Petersburg)
Issue №39, pp. 210–237
Yuliya Biryukova, Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor of the Don State Technical University (Rostov-on-Don)
Issue №34, pp. 194–214
Sazhin Boris, Ph.D. in History, Senior lecturer, St Philaret’s Institute; lecturer in history, “Career” Secondary School (Moscow)
Issue №32, pp. 176–196
Olga Borisova, Press Editor, St. Philaret’s Institute, Moscow
Sergei Shinkevich, Independent Scholar, Moscow
Issue №40, pp. 207–226
Vitaly Borovoy, Archpriest, Doctor of Theology († 2008)
Issue №2, pp 9–27 
Issue №21, pp. 57–66
Vladimir Chernyaev, Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, SFI (Moscow, Saint Petersburg)
Issue №34, pp. 215–243
Maria Chiara Dommarco, graduate student at Ss. Cyril and Methodius Institute of PostGraduate Studies, Moscow, Russia
Issue №44, pp. 161–187
Eugenia Parfyonova, B. A. in Theology, SFI (Moscow)
Issue №22, pp. 59–84
Alexandr Galkin, Cand. Sci. (Biology), Senior Research Fellow, Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia
Issue №45, pp. 91–119
Alexander Galkin, Ph.D. of Biology, Independent scholar (St Petersburg)
Issue №27, pp. 151–167
Irina Gerasimova, Cand. Sci (History), Cand. Sci (Art History), Pskov State University, Pskov, Russia
Issue №44, pp. 188–222 
Irina Gordeyeva, Ph.D. in History Associate Professor, Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow)
Issue №21, pp. 35–53
Issue №2, pp. 140–155
Natalia Ignatovich, Secretary of the Department of Church History, St Philaret’s Institute (Moscow)
Issue №21, pp. 13–22
Anatoly Kashevarov, Doctor of History, Professor, Peter the Great St Petersburg Polytechnic University (St Petersburg)
Issue №29, pp. 80–93
Issue №33, pp. 144–161
Issue №25, pp. 91–98
Alexander Kopirovsky, Ph.D. in Education Professor, St Philaret’s Institute (Moscow)
Issue №21, pp. 67–75
Issue №27, pp. 134–150
Archpriest Konstantin Kostromin, Ph.D. in History and Theology, Vice-Rector for Theological Researches, Saint Petersburg Orthodox Theological Academy (St Petersburg)
Issue №27, pp. 65–79
Andrey Kostryukov, Doctor of History, Ph.D. in Theology, Leading Staff Scientist, Department of the Russian Orthodox Church’s Modern History; Associate Professor, Russian Church History Department, St Tikhon’s Orthodox University (Moscow)
Issue №25, pp. 28–42
Andrey Kostryukov, Doctor of History, Ph. D. in Theology, Leading Staff Scientist, Department of the Russian Orthodox Church’s Modern History; Professor, Department of General and Russian Church History and Canon Law, St Tikhon’s Orthodox University (Moscow)
Issue №38, pp. 160–179
Alexander Kravetsky, Ph.D. in Philology, Leading Research Associate, V.V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)
Issue №27, pp. 52–64
Alexander Lavrov, Doctor of History, Professor, Paris-Sorbonne University (Paris)
Issue №27, pp. 11–20
Eugenia Litvinenko, Independent Researcher
Yulia Balakshina, Dr. Sci. (Philology), Associate Professor, St. Philaret’s Institute, Herzen State Pedagogical University
Issue №50, pp. 52–76
Galina Lozhkova, B.A. in Theology, Assistance manager, Theological College, St Philaret’s Institute (Moscow)
Issue №26, pp. 158–171
Issue №18, pp. 87–97
Antoine Nivière, Doctor of Philology, Professor, University of Lorraine, CERCLE EA 4372 (France, Nancy)
Issue №26, pp. 88–110
Tatyana Nosova, Ph.D. in History Assistant Professor, Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin (Syktyvkar)
Issue №21, pp. 101–135
Konstantin Obozny, Ph.D. in History Head of the Department of Church History, St Philaret’s Institute (Moscow)
Issue №21, pp. 136–150
Konstantin Obozny, Cand. Sci. (History), Associate Professor, Dean, Faculty of History, Head of the Department of Church and Social History, St. Philaret’s Institute
Issue №48, pp. 186–208
Konstantin Obozny, Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Dean, Faculty of  History, Head of the Department of Church and Social History, St Philaret’s Institute (Moscow; Pskov)
Issue №38, pp. 124–159
Issue №45, pp. 61–90
Issue №33, pp. 118–143
Ivan Petrov,  Cand. Sci. (History), Senior Research, St. Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Issue №44, pp. 74–100
Alexander Polunov, D. Sci. (History), Professor, Head of Department of Interethnic and Interconfessional Relations Management, School of Public Administration, Lomonosov State University
Issue №50, pp. 36–51
Irina Ponomareva, teacher of the highest category, teacher of the Russian language and literature, MOU “General Education Gymnasium n. 3”, Arkhangelsk, Russia
Alexander Kopirovsky, Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Theology, Researcher, St. Philaret Institute, Moscow, Russia
Issue №44, pp. 138–160
Archpriest Andrey Sapsay, Cand. Sci. (Theology), Head of the Department of Additional Religious Education of the Perm Theological Seminary
Issue №48, pp. 209–227
Boris Sazhin, Ph.D. in History, Lecturer in History, “Career” Secondary School (Moscow)
Issue №27, pp. 21–33
Tatyana Shevchenko, Cand. Sci. (History), Cand. Sci. (Theology), Senior Researcher,  Center for Modern History of the Russian Orthodox Church, St. Tikhon’s University  for the Humanities
Issue №48, pp. 174–185
Issue №17, pp. 81–95
Mikhail Shkarovsky, Doctor of History, Senior Archivist, Central State Archive of Saint Petersburg (St Petersburg)
Issue №25, pp. 43–75
Issue №2, pp. 28–46
Svetlana Silova, Cand. Sci. (History), Associate Professor, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Department of Belarusian History, Archaeology and Special Historical Disciplines, Grodno, Belarus
Issue №44, pp. 223–237
Fr Ilya Solovyov, Ph.D. in History and Theology, Director, Society of Amateur Church Historians (Moscow)
Issue №26, pp. 111–129
Issue №2, pp. 47–67
Kosar George T., Ph.D. in History, Assistant Vice President, Institutional Partnerships, Georgetown University, Associate Professor, Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University (Harvard)
Issue №35, pp. 12–39
Vasily Trofimenko, Ph.D. in History Assistant Professor, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk)
Issue №21, pp. 76–84
Vasily Trofimenko, Cand. of Sci. (History), Associate Professor of the Department of General History, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov
Yulia Balakshina, Dr. Sci. (Philology), Associate Professor, St. Philaret’s Institute,  
Herzen State Pedagogical University
Issue №50, pp. 77–99
Issue №40, pp. 227–238
Issue №22, pp. 18–39
Issue №2, pp. 235–236
Last Issue2024. Volume 16. Issue 2 (50)

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