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The Quarterly Journal of St. Philaret’s Institute

ISSN: 2658-7599 (print)
2713-3141 (online)

2024. Volume 16. Issue 1 (49)

SFI JOURNAL. V. 16. Iss. 1 (49)

SFI JOURNAL. V. 16. Iss. 1 (49)

The Quarterly Journal of St. Philaret’s institute, 2024, v. 16, iss. 1 (49). 278 p.

Table of Contents

The issue 1 (49, winter 2024) of the journal “The Quarterly Journal of Saint Philaret’s Institute” is devoted to the problems of Christian pedagogy. The central section Christian Pedagogy opens with an article by K. A. Mozgov and O. V. Nichiporova, devoted to the debatable matters of teaching the Law of God in secondary schools of the Russian Empire in the 19th — early 20th centuries. The article by Y. V. Balakshina examines the formation of the scope of literary interests of priest Konstantin Aggeev, a prominent church figure of the early twentieth century, who viewed Russian literature as the most important factor of religious education and suggested using its images for teaching the Law of God in gymnasiums and theological schools. The article by E. G. Parfenova examines the pedagogical views of abbess Catherine (Efimovskaya), describes and analyzes the structure and activities of the schools of the Lesninsky Holy Mother of God monastery and the Olginsky community of Sisters of Enlightenment in the Krasnostoksky monastery, which succeeded them. The article by N. V. Likvintseva examines the contribution of Ivan Arkadyevich Lagovsky (1889–1941) to Christian pedagogy of Russia Abroad, presenting the religious, philosophical and theological views of the teacher, which help to better understand his theory and practice of Christian education. The article by D. A. Karpuk examines the educational process in the Leningrad theological academies and seminaries in the 1940s. The article by Z. A. Lurie is devoted to the characteristics and peculiarities of the paraliturgical model of children’s catechesis arising and developing in the Western Christian tradition. The section concludes with an academic interview with scholars and practitioners on the challenges of Christian pedagogy faced by those who work with children in present-day Russia.

The Publication of Sources section also includes materials reflective of the theme of the issue. It includes: an article by the Orthodox teacher and public figure A. A. Ershova, “Religious education at school” (preparation of the text for publication, introductory article and commentary by O. V. Sinitsina); minutes of the meeting of the Provisional High Church Administration in Southeast Russia, 11 August 1920, where the question of opening a higher theological school in the Crimea was considered (introduction and commentary by Yu. A. Biryukova); “The main provisions of the united organization of knights and women warriors of the RSCM” (preparation of the text for publication, introduction and commentary by U. A. Gutner).

Interdisciplinary Research section is represented by the article of L. V. Kroshkina, which is devoted to the scholarly approach of academician S. S. Averintsev, and article of K. P. Obozny, which gives the analysis of modern development trajectories of historiography of church-state relations in the USSR in 1943–1948.

The Reviews, Abstracts, Critical Reviews section includes T. N. Panchenko’s reflections on N. N. Pavlyuchenkov’s book “Theology of unity. From F. V. J. Schelling to P. A. Florensky”. (Moscow : Orthodox St. Tikhon University, 2023. 604 p.).

At the end of the issue is an Obituary of Academician Alexei Alexandrovich Starobinsky, member of the Board of Trustees of St. Philaret’s Institute and long-time participant in the seminar “Dialogue between Physicists and Theologians”.

Читать далее

Christian Pedagogy

pp. 10–32
Yulia Balakshina, Dr. Sci. (Philology), Associate Professor, St. Philaret’s Institute, Herzen State Pedagogical University
pp. 33–59
Natalia Likvintseva, Ph. D. (Philosophy), researcher, Alexander Solzhenitsyn Centre for Studies of Russia Abroad
pp. 86–106
Dmitry Karpuk, Ph. D. (Theology), Associate Professor of the Church History Department, St. Petersburg Theological Academy, Head of the Department of Church- Historical and General Humanitarian Disciplines, Pskov-Pechory Theological Seminary
pp. 107–131
Zinaida Lurie, Cand. Sci (History), Researcher at the Laboratory of Educational Content Design, National Research University Higher School of Economics
pp. 132–156
Interview with Tatyana Sklyarova, Victoria Gusakova, Inga Lisovskaya, Alexander Kopirovsky, Natalia Chernisheva
pp. 157–180


Interdisciplinary Research

Lidia Kroshkina, Cand. Sci (Cultural Studies), Associate Professor of the Department of History and Theory of Culture, Russian State University of Humanities
pp. 232–246
Konstantin Obozny, Cand. Sci. (History), Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of History, Head of Department of Church and Social History, St. Philaret’s Institute
pp. 247–258

Reviews and Abstracts

Last Issue2024. Volume 16. Issue 4 (52)

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