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The Quarterly Journal of St. Philaret’s Institute

ISSN: 2658-7599 (print)
2713-3141 (online)

Development of methods of children’s catechesis under influence of Montessori pedagogy in the Western Christian tradition

Zinaida Lurie, Cand. Sci (History), Researcher at the Laboratory of Educational Content Design, National Research University Higher School of Economics
pp. 132–156
DOI: 10.25803/26587599_2024_49_132
This article reviews the formation and features of the paraliturgical model of children’s catechesis, formed under the influence of Montessory pedagogy, in the general context of the development of catechetical training of children in Western Christianity. Particular attention is paid to the gaining new professional levels of the activities of catechists in the 20th century, and the most significant trends in the development of catechetical activities are shown. In the first half of the century problems solved were mainly methodological ones, while in the second half of the century educational practice developed under the influence of existential theology. In its most consistent form, the paraliturgical model is reflected in two Christian education programs: Catholic program “Catechism of the Good Shepherd” by Sofia Cavalletti and Protestant program “Godly Play” by Jerome Berryman, which have greatly influenced modern educational practice. The article provides both a general description of the paraliturgical model and the features of the mentioned systems. The author makes assumptions about reasons for the popularity of the methods, characterizes their influence on Christian pedagogical practice, and also points out a number of problems arising in connection with their spreading. The practice shows the effectiveness of this approach to Christian education and its rich pedagogical potential. However, it requires both evidence-based pedagogical research on the application of the Montessori approach to Christian education, as well as solving issues related to the content of education and its cultural adaptation.
Keywords: children’s catechesis, Maria Montessori, Jerome Berryman, Sofia Cavalletti, catechism, spirituality, children, confirmation, first communion
For citation: Lurie Z. A. (2024). “Development of methods of children’s catechesis under influence of Montessori pedagogy in the Western Christian tradition”. The Quarterly Journal of St. Philaret’s Institute, v. 16, iss. 1, n. 49, pp. 132–156.

Last Issue2024. Volume 16. Issue 4 (52)

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