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The Quarterly Journal of St. Philaret’s Institute

ISSN: 2658-7599 (print)
2713-3141 (online)

Sacraments of Pre-baptismal Repentance (Confession) and Baptism: Attempt at Introduction Thereof in Mystagogical Cycle of Contemporary Catechesis

Georgy Kochetkov, Priest, MA (PhD) in Theology
pp. 9–28
As part of the mystagogical cycle of catechesis when the meaning of the sacrament of enlightenment is being explained in accordance with the patristic tradition it is desirable to point out that pre-baptismal repentance (confession) is seen as a sacramental pre-requisite of entering the Christian church in a proper way. The sacramental expression of this entrance is the unity of the sacraments of baptism, chrismation, and the first communion at the Eucharist. Pre-baptismal repentance as a rule constitutes a process of some duration involving a conversion of a person, i. e. a return from life in accordance with the logic of this world to his/her Heavenly Father. A renewal of life and a willingness to follow the example of Christ become the basis for ‘baptism into Christ’ and open to the newly baptized the gracious way of further sanctification and transformation of his/her life in the Church and in the world.
Keywords: mystagogy, pre-baptismal repentance/confession, baptism, enlightenment.

Last Issue2024. Volume 16. Issue 4 (52)

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