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The Quarterly Journal of St. Philaret’s Institute

ISSN: 2658-7599 (print)
2713-3141 (online)

Overview of Activity of the Fraternity Sts Peter, Alexis, Iona and Philip, Metropolitans of Moscow (1909–1917)

Zoya Dashevskaya
pp. 131–150 
The article analyses activity of Moscow interparish Fraternity Sts Peter, Alexis, Iona and Philip, Metropolitans of Moscow. It was created at the end of 1909 and existed until 1917–1918. The Fraternity differed from many other parish fraternities by its aims, membership and forms of activity. It united people of traditional piety who craved “revival of the origins of catholicity (sobornost) on the basis of a living church relationship between a bishop, clergy and laymen”. The focus of attention for the Fraternity was vital problems of church life: recovery of sobornost, involvement of laymen into divine service and church charity. Members of the Fraternity were actively involved into preparations of the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church. The most enthusiastic summoned up church forces to fight against persecutions of the atheistic regime.
Keywords: Fraternity, F. D. Samarin, A. D. Samarin, sobornost, laymen, parish, divine service, Council of 1917–1918.

Last Issue2024. Volume 16. Issue 4 (52)

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