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The Quarterly Journal of St. Philaret’s Institute

ISSN: 2658-7599 (print)
2713-3141 (online)

The Polemic about the Attitude to Heretics in Russian Church in the First Third of the XVI Century

Olga Cherenkova
pp. 97–109 
In the history of the Russian Orthodox church the first third of the XVI century was marked by the sharp arguments between two theological-practical tenors. One of them was represented by Vassian Patrikeev and the elders (startsy) from over the Volga, the other by Iosif Volotskii and the Metropolitan of Moscow Daniil. Guiding by the recent analytical investigations the author reconstructs a part of the arguments, the polemic about the church attitude to heretics that brought the attention of the church to the responsibility of pastors (including bishops and the Metropolitan) for the heretics’ conversation, their torments and death, for the sufferings of the common Christians. As the result of Iosif followers’ victory and the forced closure of the polemic, the raised problem was not solved. At the same time the polemic displayed that the way of the solution was bringing the practice of church life in correspondence with its evangelic norms.
Keywords: polemic, heretic, death penalty, Abbot Iosif of the Volokolamsk Monastery (Iosif Volotsky), Vassian Patrikeev, Metropolitan Daniil, kormchaia = the book of Canons.

Last Issue2024. Volume 16. Issue 4 (52)

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