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The Quarterly Journal of St. Philaret’s Institute

ISSN: 2658-7599 (print)
2713-3141 (online)

Is there an Orthodox anthropology?

Alexey Dunaev, Ph.D. in History, Leading research associate, Institute of World Culture, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian
pp. 44–82
DOI: 10.25803/26587599_2022_43_44
The critical article states and briefly analyses the main problems related to Orthodox anthropology (a small section is devoted to particular points of anthropology in Eastern religions). These are lack of a modern scientific base and answers to the challenges of modernity due to the progress of biology and genetics, a general orientation mainly towards asceticism and monastic practices, insufficient elaboration of theological issues. In the writings on Orthodox anthropology, as well as in Church teaching in general, the following issues do not receive coherent answers: what is the image of God in man, the problem of the origin of death, the treatment of eros, ways of deification and synergy, the significance of the technique of the Jesus Prayer and its genesis, the nature of luminous phenomena in Hesychasm and other religions, some difficulties in interpreting the theology of St Gregory Palamas and its reception by the universal Church, correspondence of personalism to the sacred patristic tradition (uncritical use of the term “personality” in relation to theology, especially in works written in Russian), the validity of not distinguishing or merging theology and philosophy, especially religious philosophy. The paper draws on the findings of oral reports made since 2010 and on the extensive academic literature. The conclusion is made that modern Orthodox anthropology as an integral system doesn’t exist.
Keywords: orthodox anthropology, Orthodox theology, Eastern religions, deification, synergy, Hesychasm, the Jesus Prayer, Palamism, personalism
For citation: Dunaev A. G. (2022). “Is there an Orthodox anthropology?”. The Quarterly Journal of St. Philaret’s Institute, 2022, iss. 43, pp. 44–82. DOI: 10.25803/26587599_2022_43_44. 

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