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The Quarterly Journal of St. Philaret’s Institute

ISSN: 2658-7599 (print)
2713-3141 (online)

Various Thoughts on the Ecclesiology of Vatican II

Alfredo Pozzi, Theology Faculty of the University of Northern Italy (Milan)
pp. 96–111
A return to the biblical understanding of the “people of God” in referring to the Church implies a change in our understanding and perception of the Catholic Church itself on the part of the fathers participating in the Second Vatican Council. Specifically, all those who make up the church and perform various services and functions within the church are a part of the people of God. A dynamic relationship between charismatic and hierarchical ministries should be integrated into common and individual consciousness and influence the accelerated growth of communities and the intensity with which the Gospel is proclaimed. Charismatic and hierarchical ministries are gifts, and those who have been given them should not use them as instruments of power or domination over their fellow Christians. Nor should these gifts be used toward personal goals, in order to shore up any sort of power – small or large – but should be used to bring us closer to the Kingdom of God on earth here and now, the full embodiment of which will occur only with the Parousia of Jesus Christ.
Keywords: Vatican II, Lumen gentium (“A Light to the Nations”), people of God, charismatic ministries, hierarchical ministries, kingdom of God.

Last Issue2024. Volume 16. Issue 4 (52)

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