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The Quarterly Journal of St. Philaret’s Institute

ISSN: 2658-7599 (print)
2713-3141 (online)

Aspects of Meaning in Apotaxis and Syntaxis

Valentina Saveskul
pp. 127–147
The article examines the subject matter of apotaxis and syntaxis. The three pivotal aspects of meaning in apotaxis and syntaxis, as based on the analysis of works by ancient catechists, Teachers of the Church and XIX–XX century researchers, are: 1) confirmation of the catechumen’s repentance and life transformation, both of which are prerequisite to baptism; 2) the last exorcism, which is carried out by the catechumen; 3) taking vows of loyalty to God, the breaking of which annuls the baptism.
Keywords: apotaxis and syntaxis, catechesis, baptism, pre-baptism repentance, exorcism, baptismal vows.

Last Issue2024. Volume 16. Issue 4 (52)

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