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The Quarterly Journal of St. Philaret’s Institute

ISSN: 2658-7599 (print)
2713-3141 (online)

Distinctive Aspects of W. F. Marcinkowsky’s Missionary Message Delivered to Children and Youth in Early XX Century

Olga Podkolzina
pp. 110–123
The article analyses the missionary message delivered to children and youth by the distinguished and idiosyncratic early XX century preacher Wladimir Filimonovich Marcinkowsky (1884–1972). The paper briefly outlines the historical and church context of Marcinkowsky’s sermons and establishes the motivation for addressing his message to young people. The author attempts to identify the main subjects of his missionary message and to analyse the tools Marcinkowsky used in order to achieve his main objective, i.e. directing his young listeners towards Christ.
Keywords: mission, homily, children, youth, students’ Christian groups.

Last Issue2024. Volume 16. Issue 4 (52)

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