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The Quarterly Journal of St. Philaret’s Institute

ISSN: 2658-7599 (print)
2713-3141 (online)

Theodore of Mopsuestia. First homily on baptism (the 12th Catechetical Homily). Translation, introductory article and comments by S.S.Puchkova

Sofia Puchkova, Ph. D. (Theology), Visiting Scholar, Wolfson College,Oxford, Great Britain
pp. 138–171
DOI: 10.25803/26587599_2023_45_138
This publication of the first homily of Theodore of Mopsuestia on baptism (the 12th Catechetical Homily) is a part of the translation project that aims to translate the series of Theodore’s Catechetical Homilies into Russian. Since the text of the Homilies is not preserved in original Greek, the Russian translation is based on the Syriac version, surviving in the only manuscript Mingana Syr. 561. The translation tends to be literal, while avoiding of the redundancy of the Syriac text. The translation is accompanied by an introduction and theological commentary in the footnotes. In the introduction, the characteristic features of Theodore’s typological sacramentology, connected to his idea of the Two Ages, are highlighted. Additionally, the historical and theological analysis of the pre-baptismal rites of enrolment and exorcisms, described in the first homily on baptism, is presented. According to Theodore, a sacrament is a type or symbol (ܛܘܦܣܐ ṭupsā, ܐܬܐ ’āṯā) of future realities of the Second Age, and through this type, Christians have an access to heavenly benefits already here and now. Theodore interprets every rite in relation to the Second Age. He teaches that enrolment into the Church books for baptism is an enrolment in heaven through which an enrolled candidate receives citizenship in heaven. On the other hand, the image of lawsuit with devil that Theodore applies to exorcisms has not only typological (as liberation from the power of Satan) but also pedagogical significance. In other words, Theodore strives for explaining clearly the role of exorcisms and for exhorting his audience not to postpone the enrolment for baptism.
Keywords: Theodore of Mopsuestia, “Catechetical Homilies”, the first homily on baptism, sacramental theology, prebaptismal rites, enrolment for baptism, exorcism
For citation: Theodore of Mopsuestia. “First homily on baptism (the 12th Catechetical Homily)”, translation, introductory article and comments by S.S.Puchkova. The Quarterly Journal of St. Philaret’s Institute, 2023, v. 45, pp.138–171. DOI: 10.25803/26587599_2023_45_138.

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