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Faculty of Theology
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Faculty of Religious Studies
The Quarterly Journal of St. Philaret's Institute
SFI Annual Theology Conferences
Papers and Presentations
SFI Publishing
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Moscow, Tokmakov ln. 11
+7 |495| 623 03 80
Theologian and Sociologist Don Patrick de Laubier Passed Away
We express our condolences to don Patrick’s family, friends and colleagues
03 March 2016
“We Must Seek and Grant Forgiveness”
Fr. Georgy Kochetkov, SFI Rector, on Relations with Catholic and Protestant Belivers
19 February 2016
Assembly Day
In Moscow, on the 2nd of December, St. Philaret’s Institute held its annual Assembly Day – reviewing the accomplishments of the past year
03 December 2015
A Treasury of Orthodox Questions
Professor Karl Christian Felmy presents the new edition of his book, An Introduction to Contemporary Orthodox Theology
02 December 2015
The Transfiguration Brotherhood Celebrates Its 25th Anniversary
Friends and members of the Brotherhood from different cities gathered together for liturgy in Christ the Saviour Cathedral and an Orthodox Festival
24 August 2015
21st Meeting of the Lord Readings held at SFI
Mikhail Seleznev, Head of Biblical Studies Department of St. Cyril and Methodius Theological Institute of Postgraduate Studies gave a speech at the plenary session
21 February 2015
Priest Albert Rauch dies on 10 January
Funeral and farewell ceremony to be held on 21 January at the Cathedral of Regensburg
15 January 2015
Sprouts of New Life
Fr. Georgy Kochetkov, Rector of SFI, reflected on the year 2014
01 January 2015
Physicists and Theologians on Good and Evil
St Philaret’s Institute holds ‘Theology and Physics’ conference
23 October 2014
The Conference ‘People Acting in Freedom: Unexpected Paths to Personal and Societal Revival’ held near Moscow
06 October 2014
Professor Dmitry Pospielovsky died on 12 September
16 September 2014
Pilgrims from St Philaret’s Institute Visited Holy Etchmiadzin
16 September 2014
SFI Representatives Spoke in the Conference ‘Inspiration through Time: Women’s Ministries in the Orthodox Church’
13 September 2014
A ‘Book’ About Fr. Pavel Adelheim
On 9 September, an exhibition in memory of Fr. Pavel Adelheim opened in Moscow
11 September 2014
‘Let Us Be Peacemakers...’
On September 3rd through 6th, the monastery of Bose (Italy) hosted the XXII International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox Spirituality
11 September 2014
Fr Pavel Adelheim Remembered in Prayer at St Philaret’s Institute
On 5 August, Fr Pavel Adelheim was remembered in prayer at St Philaret’s Institute. With summer exams currently taking place at the institute, the prayer brought together both Muscovites and part-time students from a number of other Russian cities.
06 August 2014
The Great and The Forgotten
Historian Kirill Alexandrov delivered a public lecture on the First World War at Saint Philaret’s Institute
02 June 2014
Philosophy of Advaita Vedanta and Interfaith Dialogue
St Philaret’s Institute held a videoconference with Swami Padmanabhananda Saraswati, a prominent figure in the Hindu-Christian dialogue
26 May 2014
St Philaret’s Christian Orthodox Institute Held Its Annual Theological Conference on Catechesis in Moscow
19 May 2014
Problems of Teaching Church History Discussed in St Petersburg
15 May 2014
Georges Nivat Receives Special Award at International ‘Russian Prize’ Contest
On 22 April, President-Hotel in Moscow hosted the awards ceremony of the 9th International Literary Contest ‘Russian Prize’
24 April 2014
A Fervent Saint
St Philaretʼs Institute held a conference in memory of Mother Maria (Skobtsova) in the homeland of the saint
31 March 2014
Catechists Will Focus on Man
Organising Committee of the Conference on Catechesis held a meeting at St Philaret`s Institute
27 March 2014
About Us
Faculty of Theology
Faculty of History
Faculty of Religious Studies
The Quarterly Journal of St. Philaret's Institute
SFI Annual Theology Conferences
Papers and Presentations
SFI Publishing