‘Let Us Be Peacemakers...’

SFI and Transfiguration Brotherhood representatives and Hugh Wybrew, author of the book ‘The Orthodox Liturgy: The Development of the Eucharistic Liturgy in the Byzantine Rite’
St. Philaret’s Institute was represented at the conference by Natalia Ignatovich, a lecturer in Church History. Her paper, entitled ‘Let us be peacemakers and we shall be your children,’ discussed the Holy Cross Brotherhood founded by Nikolay Nepluyev. “I am very pleased that more and more people from different countries learn about Nikolay Nepluyev,” she said.
“The integrity of his life and personality challenges people's indifference. Thank God that his example of life in brotherhood is something demanded in the church. All those who want to live a life grounded in the Gospel and based in true brotherhood can draw on this tradition.”
According to the president of Transfiguration Centre for Culture and Education, Alexey Naumov, “The main point of this conference was that the Lord gave us many opportunities for meaningful communication. There were many conversations that we hope will continue. The theme of the conference was interesting and relevant, and I liked the papers presented by Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware), Fr. John Behr, Mikhail Seleznev, Sister Magdalena from the monastery of St. John the Baptist in Essex (as well as her personality). It was valueable that Natalia Ignatovich focused on the topic of brotherhood in her paper, sparking interest in this theme. The very name of Nikolay Nepluyev sounded a new note.”
“This is an absolutely unique platform for communication among believers from different countries and churches,” commented Deacon Pavel Strokov from Voronezh. “It is important to be conscious of the context of universal Orthodoxy and universal Christianity through communicating with real people. The conference in Bose encourages making new acquaintances while fostering communication between different traditions in the areas of theology and culture. Here one can learn how to rise above discord and conflict in church and society so prevalent in today’s world. The atmosphere of filial exchange itself encourages participants to take this same peace back home to their own countries, towns, parishes and communities.”
The papers presented at the conference covered a wide range of topics: ‘Towards a Christian Anthropology of Peace’ (Aristotle Papanikolaou, USA), ‘The Psalms: Violence, Reconciliation, and Peace’ (Mikhail Seleznev, Russia), ‘Peace in the Divine Liturgy’ (Bishop Andrej of Remesiana, Serbia), ‘Peace, Gift of the Risen Christ’ (Christos Karakolis, Greece), ‘Peace among the Churches: Irenaeus of Lyon’ (Fr. John Behr, OCA, USA), ‘Inner Peace and Love for the Enemy: Saint Silouan of Mount Athos’ (Sr. Magdalene, England), ‘The Beatitude of Becoming Peacemakers’ (Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware), the Patriarchate of Constantinople, England) and many others.
Translated by Alina Patrakova, Randall Jennings

Opening of the conference. Welcoming remarks by Enzo Bianchi, prior of the Monastery of Bose

SFI Lecturer Natalia Ignatovich presenting a paper on the Holy Cross Labour Brotherhood founded by Nikolay Neplyuyev

With Hieromonk Vasily Grolimund

With Jonathan Goodall, Bishop of the Anglican Church, a spiritual child of Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh

Fr. John Behr and Alexey Naumov, president of the Transfiguration Centre for Culture and Education

With representatives of the Italian movement ACLI