A Witness of Faith
Moscow, St Philaret’s Institute (Online)

Monday, 13 December
10:00–12:30am (GMT+3)
Stream at SFI Yotube (Russian)
- Priest Georgy Kochetkov, PhD in Theology, founder of St Philaret’s Institute (Moscow)
Welcome Address - Serge Schmemann,writer, journalist, editor, International Herald Tribune (USA, Washington)
Memories about the Father - David Gzgzyan, PhD in Philology, Dean of Theology Faculty, St. Philaret’s Institute (Moscow)
Theology, Culture and Life in the Journals of Fr Alexander Schmemann - Petros Vassiliadis, Professor Emeritus, Aristotle University (Greece, Thessaloniki)
Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann and Liturgical Renewal - Deacon Igor Beskorovayny, St. Nicholas church, Orthodox Church in America (USA, Portland)
The Legacy of Fr Alexander Schmemann in Today’s Liturgical Practice in the Orthodox Church in America
Moderator: David Gzgzyan
2:00–4:00pm (GMT+3)
Stream at SFI Yotube (Russian)
- Victoria de Haan, PhD in Theology, lector in Catholic Theology, Blackfriars Studium (United Kingdom, Oxford)
The World, the Church, the Kingdom: the Tripartite Nature of the Liturgy in the Thought of Fr. Alexander Schmemann - Natalia Likvintseva, PhD in Philosophy, Leading Research Associate, Alexander Solzhenitsyn House of Russia Abroad (Moscow)
Fr Alexander Schmemann as a Disciple and a Teacher: from Being a Student of St Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute in Paris to Being a Dean at St Vladimir Orthodox Theological Seminary in New York - Yulia Balakshina, Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor of Theology, Academic Secretary, St Philaret’s Institute; Assistant Professor, Herzen University (Saint Petersburg)
“Questions That Make Things More Transparent”: Russian Literature Reflected by Fr Alexander Schmemann
Moderator: Zoya Dashevskaya
Tuesday, 14 December
10:00–12:30am (GMT+3)
Stream at SFI Yotube (Russian)
- Archpriest Georgios Basioudis, Exaltation of the Holy Cross church, Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Germany / Exarchate of Central Europe (Germany, Mannheim)
“The Great Joy and the Renewal of the Church”: The Contribution of Fr Alexander Schmemann to Ecumenical Theology - Zoya Dashevskaya, Senior Lecturer, St. Philaret’s Institute, member of the Society of Oriental Liturgy (Moscow)
Fr Alexander Schmemann’s Liturgical Theology and Its Fruit in the Worship Practice of 1990s–2000s in the Russian Orthodox Church - Lidia Kroshkina, PhD in Cultural Studies, Senior Lecturer, St Philaret’s Institute, Russian State University for the Humanities (Tver)
Church Preaching, Its Decline and Revival in Liturgical Theology of Fr Alexander Schmemann - Maria Dikaryova, Senior Lecturer, St Philaret’s Institute (Moscow)
The Mission of the Church in the Thought of Fr Alexander Schmemann
2:00–4:00 pm (GMT+3)
Panel discussion
“The Legacy of Fr Alexander Schmemann in Today’s Liturgical and Pastoral Practice”
Stream at SFI Yotube (Russian)
- Fr Alexander Lavrin (Moscow)
- Fr Ioann Kazantsev (Tobolsk)
- Fr Georgy Kochetkov (Moscow)
- Fr Andrey Rakhnovsky (Moscow)
- Fr Alexander Sukharev (Moscow)
Moderator: Dmitry Gasak