Georges Nivat Receives Special Award at International ‘Russian Prize’ Contest

Professor Alexander Kopirovsky, St Philaretʼs Institute Academic Secretary, has congratulated Georges Nivat on behalf of the InstituteEnter caption here
This year, the Special Award and certificate of the organising committee and the jury ‘For Contribution to the Preservation and Development of Russian Cultural Traditions Outside the Russian Federation’ went to Georges Nivat, Slavicist, literary historian and translator of Andrei Bely and Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s prose into French, Honorary Professor of many European universities and a member of the Board of Trustees of St Philaretʼs Institute.
This year, the list of ‘Russian Prize’ winners includes nine poets and writers from Minsk, Almaty, Simferopol, Washington, Kiev and other cities. The International Literary Contest ‘Russian Prize’ was founded in 2005 with the aim of preserving and developing the Russian language as a unique phenomenon of world culture and supporting Russian-speaking writers around the world.
Translated by Alina Patrakova, Ekaterina Zvyagintseva