A Fervent Saint

Presentations were made by Vladimir Lavrenov, PhD in History, Director of the branch of the Russian State University for the Humanities in Tver; Alexander Kopirovsky, PhD in Pedagogy, Academic Secretary at St Philaretʼs Institute; alumni of St Philaretʼs Lidia Kroshkina and Maria Lavrenova.
The conference was attended by more than 40 people. After the plenary session, participants visited the house in Riga where Elizaveta Kuzmina-Karavayeva (future Mother Maria) was born. They left flowers at the memorial plaque and sang a psalm.
“It is a hotel now. We had a talk with a girl who works there in the café, most likely, situated in the place of the former childroom (that is, Mother Maria`s room). We told the girl about the place she works at and presented her materials about Mother Maria in the Latvian language”, said Alexander Kopirovsky.
The personality of Mother Maria (Skobtsova) is one of the key ones in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church of the 20th century. She is known as artist and author of theological articles who meditated upon the ways of Christianity in the modern world. She also founded the charity association “Orthodox Action” in Paris that helped many Russian emigrants, left without means of support, and took part in the French Resistance during the Nazi occupation. Mother Maria was canonized as martyr by the Patriarchate of Constantinople in 2004. St Philaret's Institute pays special attention to the study and comprehension of her heritage and experience as well as to the cherishing of her memory.
Translated by Alina Patrakova