Catechists Will Focus on Man

This conference will continue to discuss the content of the main stage of catechesis that involves the actual preparation of the catechumen for baptism and/or reception into the Church. Participants will focus on the key themes of the Christian revelation about man that are presented to catechumens at the main stage of teaching the faith: creation, calling and the fall of man, man as God’s image and likeness, man’s repentance and redemption.
“Catechesis in our Church is at its very beginning. That is why past experience and new opportunities of catechesis are to be explored for years to come. At this conference, we will concentrate on how the theme of man is revealed at the main stage of catechesis. We have decided to significantly increase the participation of alumni of St Philaret`s Institute in the Conference: they will present at least four co-reports. Practicing catechists will be offered to take part in three workshops and to exchange experiences. In particular, they will have an opportunity to discuss the issue of how to help catechumens in fulfilling the commandments of God”, commented the Chairman of the Conference Organising Committee Alexander Kopirovsky.
Members of the Organising Committee discussed the programme of the Conference, the topics of plenary sessions and roundtables. The list of submitted topics includes issues of bioethics and ecology, evolutionism and creationism that challenge catechumens at the second stage of catechesis.
The 2014 annual Research and Training Conference at St Philaret`s Institute will be dedicated for the fifth time to the issues of adult catechesis — preparation for baptism and/or start of conscientious Christian life. At the previous conferences (2010-2013), participants discussed the goals and objectives of catechesis, the criteria for evaluating its quality, the length and general content of each of its stages, the specific problems of reviving catechesis in the contemporary setting, first-stage teaching of catechumens (the so-called “listeners”), the practice of training catechists, the content and characteristic features of the main stage of catechesis.
Translated by Alina Patrakova