Contemporary Orthodox Ecclesiology: Ministry and Structure of the Church

St. Philaret’s Institute continues to organise conferences in the Orthodox Ecclesiology series. The 2017 Conference agenda featured issues such as the perception by the church of Archpriest Nicholas Afanasiev’s Eucharistic ecclesiology and contemporary perception of the Eucharist as the centre of a church congregation’s life. The resulting discussion highlighted a range of issues around the current understanding of the church and its boundaries. These issues were on the agenda of the Conference held in May 2018, which identified new questions about the connection between the structure of the church and its ministry.
The correlation between the vocation of the church and its structure remains underconceptualized. The historically recurrent failure of the church to meet the Gospel norm is a particularly sensitive issue. One of the most poignant subjects to ponder is the reasons behind the reduction of the charismatic element in favour of the currently prevalent institutional one. The underdevelopment of these ecclesiological theory aspects often hinders Christians from practicing responsibility for the entire world in contemporary realities, given the national and international dominance of secular social life principles.
The following issues are on the agenda:
- the scope of and correlation between the church’s vocation, ministry and structure;
- notions of church structure and authority across various types of ecclesiology;
- functional and non-functional approaches to church ministry; and
- canons as an expression of the church ministry and structure notion.
The Conference organisers hope that a compelling, reflective and open dialogue between Conference participants on the above mentioned and associated issues will bear its good fruit.
To Participate in the Conference
If you wish to participate as a speaker, please send your paper title and abstract to the Organising Committee before 15 March 2019.
To register your attendance in the audience, please send your application by 10 April 2019.
Your application should state your full name, address, place of work/ministry, academic degree and title, position, email address and phone number.
The cost of meals, accommodation and transfer from Moscow to the Conference venue (Transfiguration Centre for Culture and Education, Istra District, Moscow Region) will be covered by the organisers. The registration fee is 2,500 roubles.
The Organising Committee reserves the right to select abstracts and texts for presentation and publication in the peer-reviewed journal “The Light of Christ Enlightens All: Academic Periodical of St. Philaret’s Christian Orthodox Institute”.
Chairman of the Organising Committee:
Dmitry Gasak, SFI Vice-Rector
Organising Committee:
Phone: +7 (965) 297 92 07 Anna Safronova
+7 (968) 937 34 64 Alina Patrakova